Web Design, it is now easier to browse

Today, there are many users who use their smartphones, or tablets to browse the web and no longer restricted to laptops and personal computers. Unlike the times where screen sizes were limited and there weren’t many options besides personal computers or laptops, technology has considerably improved. Now, not just laptops and PCs,nike free sale netbooks, palmtops, smartphones, tablets and what not! Each feature different screen resolutions, platforms and technology is drastically different for every model and make. This has made browsing in different devices,Nike Free 3.0 Sale difficult if not impossible. Thanks to the innovative concept of Responsive Web Design, it is now easier to browse in a device of the user’s choice.
Unlike the time where websites were scaled to pixels, Responsive Web Design uses percentage and EM. This means, the website will automatically align to the user’s screens and popularly dubbed user interface design. So, there’s no need for users to keep scrolling for viewing a webpage, even when using smartphones or tablets. When smartphones were launched, business owners resorted to coming up with mobile websites and PC websites. This means, the websites can be viewed from mobile devices. However, with the wide array of options with reference to screen resolutions, platforms and devices, it was no longer possible to just restrict with two versions,Nike Free 3.0 Women’s Running Shoe nor was it possible to create infinite versions for different platforms. That’s why Responsive Web Design came into play. Now, it is possible to create a fluid design of a site that’s compatible across all platforms and also enhances user experience.
RWD, short for Responsive Web Design, is an advanced web design strategy, where a site is designed in way to accommodate Cascading Style Sheets 3 with media queries. It just syncs, so the website is automatically resized or optimized, for better viewing across different devices. It made futuristic websites a reality, considering the increasingly growing number of geek users.